Know your Karma

Our most popular service. Book ahead of time to avoid disappointment. Pre-paid bookings are prioritized in schedule, never moved or rescheduled.

In this Chakra-Karma Guidance, we use the unique Soul-Chakra Personality Assessment TM developed by spirituality author and teacher, Jean du Plessis, to determine which of your chakra minds play a dominant role in your soul personality, and if required, which spiritual therapies you may want to consider.

With this therapeutic regimen, an analysis of your soul personality can help you to get to know your karma: The main reason why you incarnated in this lifetime, and what the main lessons you came to learn are.

You can also discover what the future may hold in terms of soul learning, and what the next major lessons on your path would be.

Your chakra energies are tested and the condition of your aura analyzed. You receive guidance in this regard to plan your future.

Learn more about the condition of your soul: What was the soul’s path up to now, and the major challenges that lie ahead on the way forward. Guided by Certified Soul-Chakra Personality Assessment TM counsellors.

You receive a PDF version of the graphic analysis by email on the day of your visist to the center.

Included in the ‘Know your Karma’ is a Chakra-Prana Reiki  session.  We clear energy channels (nadis and sushumna) and unblock chakras, and we do get to the root problems why your spiritual energy is not optimal. There is great physical, mental (emotional) and spiritual benefits in this SOUL MAINTENANCE program. Just as you take care of your physical body, you MUST maintain your soul body. Don’t neglect your Self. 


The 7 chakras are spiritual energy centers, or rather soul and spirit minds located in our metaphysical bodies.  Chakras channel Prana (Universal Energy) both in and out of our soul minds and spiritual minds.

Each chakra communicates at a different spectrum of energy frequencies.    

Chakras have ancient memories which form the personality of the soul.  Chakras carry the sum of wisdom gathered over the soul’s ancient lifespan.  

Captured in our four soul-minds (4 lower chakras) is the essence of who we are as individuals. We are the culmination of many lifetimes of experiences.  The three spirit-minds (3 higher chakras) are the essence of our wisdom, and the spirit-mind chakras develop to a point where they start to dominate the soul-mind and soul chakras.


Karma will forcibly bring learning opportunities / lessons to us if we won’t do it by ourselves, yet we remain free to choose whatever course of action we will take. We are free to remain aware of learning opportunities in life, and we can decide whether or not to partake in them. 

Soul Path

If you are sincere in your search, we can know your past life and soul path, your dharma and your duty for this life. 

Is it possible that you are unhappy because you are not following your soul path?

What do you know about your soul mate, or your spiritual helper beings (angels?)?

Time and Cost